Coaching Book |
Our Coaching Book has been Published
“COACHING APPROACH in MANAGEMENT” has been published by System Publishing on 2010 January, which was co-written by Demet Uyar. The book is designed as a practical tool for anyone who wish to develop teams and trigger the creativities of the employees, and is easy to read with its practical examples. As a pioneering book in this particular field, it reveals the ways to create difference by using personal power, but not positional power. There are effective tools and skills in this book which help to increase your team’s performance while cultivating their individual developments.
As a reference to Effective Management Approach, this book aims the managers to create a difference in their companies by using coaching understanding. This book, written by Turkey’s pioneering management coaches; Demet Uyar and Gamze Acar Bayraktaroğlu, first clarifies the coaching concept and explain how it is different than other approaches. You can also find in the book; how the coaching process works, various coaching types, team coaching, mentorship practices, the areas where coaching and mentorship are used and their effects. Moreover, four coaching principles, ten coaching competencies, situational leadership and coaching approach and “CONDUCT” coaching model are conveyed through various examples. Besides, one of the coaching tools; “Professional Skills Circle” and a practice named “Peak Experience” are shared through sample coaching dialogues.
We come upon various descriptions of coaching in different sources. According to ICF (International Coaching Federation) who is counted as international authority in this field, coaching is; a professional partnership between a coach and an individual or a team, to reach extraordinary results based on the targets set by themselves. If and when the coach is the manager, he/she will stimulate the subordinate in reaching his/her targets and monitor the developments together. The coach, provides the employee to set his/her targets together with the tools to reach those targets. Trust is the most important part of this relation as in all relations. It is notorious that the coach stays in attached to the coaching principles which will support the mutual relation. Feelings of comfort and safety in the relation enrich the sharing. The principles needed for a healthy Coaching relationship are; trust, sincerety, objectivity and consistency.
It is necessary to underline some issues while defining the coaching relation. It is effective on the power and quality of the relation that the coach is trained enough and has personally worked on himself/herself for development. The coach himself also flourishes by this particular relation. An effective coach has to mirror himself / herself first. A good coach supplies a development environment for the employee, controls his/her own habituation, while internalizing the skills and the tools and starts using them in other parts of life. Deep sharings with the coachee, lead the coach to notice his / her own rough sides, thus provoke change and development on his/her side. Coaching skills performed by an effective manager, carries both himself/herself and the employee to a continuous development platform.
Coaching Skills examples mentioned in the book:
Self –management, Effective Listening, Asking Strong Questions, Asking Deep Questios, Verbalizing Intuition, Encouraging, Keeping Focused, Creating Responsibility, Pushing the Borders, Giving Feedback.
Galileo’s saying presents a meaningful approach for the coaching process: “You can never teach anyone anything, you can only help them find the answer inside themselves”. “Coaching Approach in Management” aims to convey the reader methods of fishing rather than giving them the fish.